Saturday, April 30, 2011


啊~~~!!!*clutches hair* 6 kids running around the house, screaming here and there!!! It's so hard to listen to SNSD's "Genie" (TT) ... 原本还想说多一点坏话的,不过我妈毕竟会读我的Blog,所以就没办法了~ (= 3=)叫我不说坏话还真是难啊,现在简直吵得半死。多谢电话屏幕是俊的照片,看到他的可爱,人家怎么可能还生气,对不?啊啊—— 小孩子不是很可爱的么?怎么和俊比起来一点都不kawaii呢?啊啊—— Tsumaranai na~~

Tonikaku, 不说这些小孩子了~ 说昨天,俊的事吧!
哎哎,昨天啊,there was a PSK Pameran done by the Form 3, something about Malaysian culture, I presume~ There were like 3 tents in the middle of Yok Bin Square, each tended to by about 5 - 10 Form 3 students? There were several in traditional Malaysian costumes, I suppose they looked...pretty? ( = 3=) Eh~~ Saa na~ Anyway, that's not the point~ The point is, SHUN showed up! (^^) In a different outfit (finally?)XD I heard Yeo-san talk about it in Japanese Class on Thurs so I know very well Shun's coming...with a new outfit~ (^^) Despite knowing that, I decided not to bring my handphone (why?!) or camera! Besides, I thought we were gonna be stuck in Math period while Shun was there, I didn't know he stayed until we finished recess ( = 3=) Aiz aiz, missed a great chance to capture Shun's new outfit... Although... what's the big difference anyway? He was still wearing black anyway, zZz... The only thing different was that he had a white vest on (and that's supposed to NOT feel hot? 开玩笑么? = 3=)

Okay, Shun showed up while we just started Math Period~ Luckily Mr Ong gave us homework (Luckily?!) so I didn't get into trouble for forgetting to bring my dumb graph book ( = 3=) LUCKY!
So... (argh, the kids are screaming, I can't remember what to write TT )... Oh, okay~ I remember... While Mr Ong was teaching, I heard people screaming. And what might that signifies...???
 Ann was next to me (because I changed seats with Mei Wen and sat with Ann <3) then she was like "Oh!!! Shun 来了!" Then, OMG, while Mr Ong was teaching I was like, looking out the window just to see what Shun was doing, and when Mr Ong was looking at our row, I tried to put on my pokerface, but my face turned out like 眼角抽搐 and my lips couldn't decide if they wanna smile or continue trying the "pokerface" expression~ So I was like, looking at Mr Ong while half my face was smiling , the other 1/2 was trying to look serious XD Haiz haiz, so bodoh...

So while we were doing the homework Mr Ong gave us, Ann suddenly told me that when I go downstairs, she's gonna follow me. Then I told her that if there was gonna be homework, I'd forget about meeting Shun ( = 3=) ... But in the end, argh, I went downstairs anyway. Well I won't get to that part because all I did was watch him take pictures with all the OTHER GIRLS when I was downstairs, seriously it's sickening! ( = 3=) Haiz...
So I finished my homework before recess, so when recess came, I went out to the corridor 1st to check if Shun was still there (well Ann did say she'll follow me down if Shun was there right? And plus, I wanna see if he's still there too XD ... 花痴+白痴much?). Ah, turns out he's still there! XD So I stood at the corridor, layed my weight against the ... balcony thingy (?) (><) and told Ann he's still there. I continued watching him as I waited for Ann, he seemed to be having fun, eating, having his picture taken by random girls... (argh, mukatsuku!) and taking pictures of the pameran. I continued looking quietly, then Hui Hong came over. He told me: "Moroi~"
Me: "Moroe~"
Him: "Moroe~~"
Then ShuLuan came upstairs with her classmates, and really excitedly said "我跟他拍照咧!"
HuiHong shook his head in dismay, probably signifying how sad it is to be so excited over such a small thing. I laughed.
Then I continued looking down from upstairs, watching Shun and how happy he is. I kept quiet. Then as he was taking pictures of the pameran, he... saw me upstairs?! (Wow! He can recognise me?!) I found that kinda hard to believe so at first I just had a curious expression on~ Besides, he could just be looking at something else in the sky or sth right? (><) Then... he directed his camera at me (MWOYA?!?!) ! I waved at him, then Hui Hong 揍了过来,posed a “V” sign~ And Michelle was beside me too, though I wasn't sure what she was doing~ So Mic was candid, and Hui Hong was posing, and I was supposed to...??? He directed the camera at me for a long time, probably 1 - 2 mins, but I wasn't sure what to do, so at 1st I smiled, then I started getting restless and just did something else. So in the end, I wasn't even sure if my face could be seen in his picture... 囧—— Really 残念—— I don't really like taking pictures, (maa everyone knows I'm not pretty, so why take pictures?) so I don't involve myself with all the girls that take pictures with him, I stay out of every picture, so why did he decide to take one of me, huh? He notices? Or maybe I can be just a little bit 自恋 right now and say we're friends? Saa na~ Hmm, I've never been special or anything... Ah, but in any case, I'm damn touched... Dunno if it's just me or something, but nee, it'll be good if we're friends (^^) It's been fun despite having  only spent time with you for 2 days~ Hopefully, you feel the same.

Mm hmm, and I think, I'm over the "triangle" issue now. Yes.
I don't believe in love at first sight, and I refuse to admit that I've fallen for someone after only meeting him for 2 days! I really WILL NOT ADMIT! But... it sure is comfortable around him. It's that smile that has kept me going since my heartbreak issue, it's that smile that made me smile again, and that smile is the smile I wish to keep on his face. So I dunno if this is kindness, I dunno if this is fascination, I dunno if this is a crush, I dunno if this is *coughs* love *coughs* (please ignore this, I refuse to admit this as "love"!), but it's because of this feeling, I'll never...mistreat him. NEVER.

Ah ah, before I get all stupidly sentimental *sent shivers down my spine*, (  = 3=) seriously, if you guys read this, you need to remind me to bring my graph book (though Monday's a holiday and there's no Math XD) to school for Math period!
And, what the hell?! Are we really supposed to wear our pinafore outside our PJ attire?! Yucks! WTH?! It's just like elementary school! (><) ... ( = 3=) and that aside, I don't want to go for Sukan Tara... I didn't even go for practice~ Argh, xiasuey leh~ Plus, my body's aching after doing push-ups last Thurs (T^T) ... Why do I have to go for jumps when I'm aching all over? (T^T) Life is so unfair~~ (this sentence is a double entendre)

雨濛濛  情深深  雨打梨花泪湿巾 
此情在天涯  左思念  右顾盼  归期 
已至梦难圆  夜长盼天明


  1. wht! ur mom will read ur blog? wow she's so in! 'I tried to put on my pokerface, but my face turned out like 眼角抽搐 and my lips couldn't decide if they wanna smile or continue trying the "pokerface" expression~ So I was like, looking at Mr Ong while half my face was smiling , the other 1/2 was trying to look serious XD Haiz haiz, so bodoh'haha i like this coz i was kinda like this too XD
    i will admit!! :P

  2. I'm so pissed cos my font turned out like that! (TT)
    Yep, she'll read, so I have to write "good girl" stuff~ (><)
    LOL, u like it then good lar, XD I also like that bodoh "face cramp" expression~
    Ann... I think this is the most geli post I've ever written~

  3. T__T ur mum will read ur blog arh!??!?!

    and i think u truly fall in love with him already>.<...just admit that..>XDD

  4. Yep~ My mum likes to read what I write cause I've wrote stuff since I was young ><

    Nee! 我不信一见钟情!><
